How can I recapture the feeling of amazement I first had about God?
God's Response:
You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.
Psalm 77:14
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known
Psalm 19:1-2
Our Takeaway:
Pay attention - to the stories of others and to the world around you. God is doing amazing work everywhere. Don't forget the quiet miracles that take place each day; the birth of a baby, a beautiful sunset, close friends, you in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Being in awe of God over these small miracles prepares your heart to experience even more amazing things from God. Listen to how God has amazed others, and add those amazing events to your own list. The more you look for God's work, the more amazed you will be.
God's Promise:
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord
Psalm 40:3
Big T's Thought To Ponder:
Jesus has been amazing mankind since He was a child. He amazed His parents at the young age of twelve when he was all about the work of His Father. He amazed His disciples with supernatural miracles like turning water to wine; healing the lame; calming raging seas and storms; giving sight to the blind and raising the dead - God is simply awesome!
Get this: God is as amazing today as He has ever been - He is still breathing stars and galaxies and calling them by name; creating and bringing new life into the world and knowing every hair on their heads; bringing sight to the blind and creating miracles in the lives of His modern day disciples every second of everyday...
We can all recapture the amazement of God by just taking the time to remember the price that was paid to give us life and so that we could have it abundantly. His unconditional Love and the Grace that He pours on us each and every day is the amazement we have in the Savior Jesus Christ. One of His many beautiful attributes is that He shares it all with everyone that will accept His love; He wants to adopt each man that walks the earth and share with us His inheritance.
His Apostles were in amazement and awe of Him EVERYDAY! That's because they spent time with Him EVERYDAY. If we want to see the amazement of God - we have to take time to spend time with Him, read His Word and then look around and see His many miracles - look within and be in amazement!
I am amazed today for His unending love for each one of us and His divine power to create us all in His beautiful image.