Monday, March 29, 2010

What assurance do I have that God can hear my prayers?

God's Response:
You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to Him
Psalm 4:3

The Lord hears His people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
Psalm 34:17

Our Takeaway:
David knew that God would hear him when he called and that God would answer him too. We can be confident that God listens to our prayers and answer them. We may sometimes think that God will not hear us because we have fallen short of His high standards for holy living. But if we have trusted Christ for salvation, God has forgiven us, and He will listen to us.

When you feel as if your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, remember that as a believer you have been set apart by God and that He loves you. And although His answers may not be what you expect, He does hear and answer every time you call to him. The next time you're not sure that God is hearing your prayers, try looking at your problems in the light of God's power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems.

God's Promise:
The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers.
1 Peter 3:12

Big T's Though To Ponder:
There is nothing more assuring to us than God's promises and the truth of His Word. I love the promise Peter shares with us in this verse but beyond the truth he shares with us, there is instruction for us to follow.

God wants us to come to Him cleansed, clean and pure in heart. He created us in His image for a reason, he wants us to be like Him, to follow His instruction and to become obedient to His Calling and Him Will for each of our lives.

He wants us to live holy and righteous lives in oneness with Him; to allow Him to finish His perfect work in each one of us through His refining of our lives, His transforming of our hearts and bringing us into perfect alignment with His will for each one of us.

Our assurance that He hears our prayers is 100%!
(1 John 16:24)

Our assurance that God is with us when we call on His name is 100%!
(Matthew 18:19-20)

On what basis do we call upon God? How often do we all pray for our own agenda without consulting God for His? Are we confident that what we are asking for is within the plan He has for each one of us?

We don't need to know every detail of God's will for us before praying, but we must pray with the understanding that His Divine plan has been perfectly prepared for us of us individually and there is a good chance that it won't align with ours.

We need to seek His plan, His counsel and His guidance and His mind for our everyday. Ask Him to integrate His thoughts into yours. We want to approach Him with honesty, humility, love and a pure heart. His thoughts aren't our thoughts, but he offers them to those who want Hi - and who will be bold enough to ask.

He offers us everything we need and so much more - He offered Himself! So get quite with God and ask Him to be your guide today - He loves you and knows your way.
Matthew 7:7-11
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